La Nasa guarda in alto: numerose opportunità per professionisti e giovani. L’Agenzia aerospaziale americana, infatti, è alla ricerca di tantissimi profili professionali, dagli Ingegneri agli esperti di risorse umane, dai tecnici ai redattori. Opportunità anche per giovani alla prima esperienza lavorativa, per i quali sono previsti specifici stage. Attualmente sono oltre 70 le posizioni aperte dall’agenzia, con contratti a tempo determinato e indeterminato e, come accennato, tirocini.
La Nasa (acronimo di National Aeronautics and Space Administration), è un’agenzia governativa degli Stati Uniti d’America. Fondata nel 1958, è responsabile del programma spaziale e della ricerca aerospaziale. Con sede principale a Washington, attualmente è amministrata da Jim Bridenstine. Conta oltre 17.000 dipendenti.
Le posizioni aperte
Come accennato, sono molte le figure professionali ricercate dalla Nasa, così come molti e diversificati sono i settori in cui sono richieste: tecnici, ingegneri, esperti in risorse umane, ma anche stage per studenti di Ingegneria e Informatica. Ecco alcune delle oltre 70 posizioni aperte:
- Aerospace Engineer (Safety and Mission Assurance), John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- AST Technical Management, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas;
- Engineering Technician, Langley Research Center - Hampton, Virginia;
- AST Experimental Facility Development, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- Research Astrophysicist / Research AST / Stellar Galactic and Extra Galactic Astrophysics, Ames Research Center - Moffett Field, California;
- Human Resources Specialist, Headquarters NASA - Washington DC;
- AST Aerospace Vehicle Design and Mission Analysis, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas;
- Student Trainee Engineering / NASA Pathways Intern Employment Program, John Glenn Research Center - Cleveland, Ohio;
- Student Trainee Information Technology, John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- Student Trainee Engineering / NASA Pathways, John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- Mechanical Engineer (Deputy Pressure Systems Engineer), Langley Research Center - Hampton, Virginia;
- AST Data Systems, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas;
- Aerospace Engineer, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- AST Engineer Project Management, John C. Stennis Space Center - Stennis Space Center, Mississippi;
- Aerospace Engineer (Aerospace Flight Systems), John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- Electronics Technician, Armstrong Flight Research Center - Edwards AFB, California;
- Education Program Specialist, Langley Research Center - Hampton, Virginia;
- Electronics Engineer, Armstrong Flight Research Center - Edwards AFB, California;
- Information Technology Specialist (Information Security), Headquarters NASA - Washington DC;
- Cost Estimating / Analysis Officer, Armstrong Flight Research Center - Edwards AFB, California;
- Lead AST Flight Systems Operations, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas;
- Contract Specialist, Armstrong Flight Research Center - Edwards AFB, California;
- Research Astrophysicist AST Fields and Particles, Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland;
- Student Trainee Engineering / NASA Pathways Intern Employment Program, John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- Aerospace Engineer, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- Engineering Project Control, John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- AST Logistics Engineer Management, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- Materials Engineer, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- AST Flight Systems Engineer, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas;
- Supervisory Auditor,George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- Attorney / Adviser, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas;
- Safety and Occupational Health Manager (Supervisory), John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- Student Trainee Engineering / NASA Pathways Intern Employment Program, John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - Cleveland, Ohio;
- Research Astrophysicist AST Solar and Solar Terrestrial Studies, Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland;
- Research Aerospace Engineer AST Research Pilot, Goddard Space Flight Center - Wallops Island, Virginia;
- Human Resources Specialist (Employee and Labor Relations), Ames Research Center - Moffett Field, California;
- IT Program Manager, Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland;
- Research Space Scientist, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- Research AST Human / Machine Systems, Ames Research Center - Moffett Field, California;
- Facility Operations Specialist, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- Electronics Engineer, Langley Research Center - Hampton, Virginia;
- Physical Scientist AST Science Program Management, Headquarters NASA - Washington DC;
- Research Aerospace Engineer, Langley Research Center - Hampton, Virginia;
- AST Experimental Facility Development, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, Alabama;
- Lead AST Aerospace Flight Systems, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center - Houston, Texas;
- Electronics Engineer AST Electronic Instrumentation Systems, Langley Research Center - Hampton, Virginia;
- Lead Management Analyst, Armstrong Flight Research Center - Edwards AFB, California;
- Research Astrophysicist AST Fields and Particles, Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland;
- Physical Scientist AST Science Project Management, Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland;
- Director Human Resources, Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland;
- Supervisory Research Astrophysicist AST Fields and Particles, Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland.
Come candidarsi
Per consultare i dettagli di tutte le posizioni aperte disponibili e inviare la propria candidatura, cliccare sul seguente link: